Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Web According to Google #85: Resistance is Futile

1. I have never resisted Google. I use many of their products including but not limited to Google docs, maps, images, blogger (of course), and YouTube. I use each of these programs for different reasons. I use the docs and calendar for daily work schedules and events. Anytime I have to research I use maps and images. I don't use YouTube as much as some but it's still handy.

2. Google Labs is very interesting. I am interested in the city tours experiment. However, when I put in Seattle it kept coming back with an error. The Google fast flip experiment was also very interesting as it pulled many different sources for one subject very quickly.

3. I checked out Google Books but honestly it was not so user friendly in my opinion. The books in the cooking section were somewhat interesting. I think part of my problem is that I really prefer to have an actual book in my hand. Google Books might be a good tool to use in the material selection department. I'm not sure how useful it would be in other areas of the library.

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