Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Games and Gaming #38: Console Gaming

I visited the "nostalgic" game site and spent a few minutes playing Pacman. I think it's harder to play using the keyboard than it was when I played it on the console game. It could be that reactions have just gotten slower! I'm not sure I've gained any better skills by playing years ago except for the fact that I'm familiar with the game.

I'm pretty familiar with Wii and Sony Playstation 3. The graphics on the Sony Playstation are excellent, but there are not as many games to play on it. Also the games tend to be for the more mature audience. My family plays the Wii all the time. We have several games and they are all fun and challenging. In my opinion, I think the best console game system would be the Wii because there is more of a variety of games. Also the virtual movement concept sets it apart from the other consoles. As long as people don't sit and play video games all the time, I can't really see that console gaming detracts from learning. If anything, I think it probably increases the hand/eye coordination. There's no doubt in my mind that kids would initially come to the library for the gaming. Having said that, I do feel that there would be those kids who discover the other things to do at the library and return for those things as well. It certainly would be up to the library staff to help the kids in this discovery process.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Games and Gaming #37: Get Your Game On @ The Library

I read the article in THE NEW YORK TIMES about game day at their libraries. I agree that adding games into the library mix is a perfect way to bring the younger generations into the library. Hopefully, while they are at the library, they will discover the adventures just waiting to be read!

I attempted to play both of the games provided through Carnegie Mellon, but was unable to get either one to work.

My question is - when will HCPL add video games to our collection and make them available to check out - talking about raising the circ numbers!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Games and Gaming #36: The Wide World of Online Role Playing Games

I signed up for Runescape and created a character. My character is a woman with a long dress and huge muscular arms. I attempted to do the tutorial. Honestly I didn't find it very easy to move around. I wasn't even able to make fire even though I did cut the tree down! I'm pretty sure I'm not cut out for playing role games online with a bunch of other people. I prefer the Wii with my family one-on-one!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

#35 Games and Gaming: Games? In the Library?

I spent a little amount of time on both FreeRice and Sudoku. FreeRice made me feel pretty dumb, but I think it's a great way to increase one's vocabulary and at the same time, it really made me feel good to donate rice to those in the world who desperately need food. Sudoku was kind of challenging and I didn't even get past the first game. It really makes you think! That's a games I could possibly get addicted to! It was easy to learn the rules for both of the games I played. Both games would be beneficial because they make you think and increase knowledge.

I'm very much in favor of gaming. Gaming in the young child helps with hand/eye coordination and can increase knowledge in several areas. Gaming can be a way to bring a family together - my family plays Wii on rainy cold days and it's alot of fun.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off Our Drives

Okay, I read the rules again and again and I've now followed them (because I always follow the rules) by deleting all of my beautiful personal pictures from my "z" drive. I'm very sad though because now I do not have all of those pictures for my screensaver. I'm afraid my mood over the next few weeks will reflect my not having my "quick shot of happiness" when my screensaver pops up and I see Seattle, the beautiful Oregon coast, my terrific family, etc - my kind of "Calgon take me away" moment. So, for those individuals that I might be a little short with, I apologize in advance. BUT, we must follow the rules! By doing so, I've freed up 50% of my drive's capacity and apparently saved the county a great deal of money! Congratulations, Kaye! Job well done!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

I treat my email account the same way I treat the rest of my life. I'm not one to keep unnecessary documents, so I'm a big delete person. I have taken this opportunity to go through and delete my delete folder. I have always had special folders for different aspects of my job - these folders allow me to look in just one place for needed information or email.

Spring Cleaning #28: Don’t Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

GTD (Getting Things Done) is an interesting organizational method. After giving some thought to my own personal method, I follow the GTD fairly closely. I have always attempted to take care of the minor issues as quickly as possible. I tend to put aside the larger issue and work on them when time allows. I generally make a list at the end of the day for tasks that definitely need to be taken care of the next day. I looked at the Bla-bla List, but for me these types of list are not practical. Just the good old small pad and pen work great!