Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Money & Finance #59: Credit, Money Management, and Saving

After reading the article How Credit Scores Work, I am more aware of the importance of credit scores. Honestly, I do not even know what my credit score is. The next thing on my list is to go to one of the free sites and get my score. I wasn't aware that your credit score could effect insurance quotes.

I have a very loose spending budget. After looking over the links, I plan on thoroughly reading the University of Florida's info. I hope to be able to look at my finances and see how using this model might help me save money. The first thing I plan to do is to keep better records (on a weekly basis) of my expenditures. I'll try not to be surprised when I see that Starbucks is in there several times!

I am eligible for retirement but my financial situation does not allow me to retire. So hopefully some of the steps mentioned above will get me closer to day! The retirement plan through TCDRS has always been very impressive to me. The fact that you are guaranteed a 7% return on your savings is phenomenal-especially during our current economic situation where some individuals are losing 20-30% of the investments through mutual funds. Also that your savings will be matched @225% upon retiring is unheard of. I haven't taken the time to signup online - I've always just waited for the yearly report we get. I think I'll take the time to signup soon.

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