Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off Our Drives

Okay, I read the rules again and again and I've now followed them (because I always follow the rules) by deleting all of my beautiful personal pictures from my "z" drive. I'm very sad though because now I do not have all of those pictures for my screensaver. I'm afraid my mood over the next few weeks will reflect my not having my "quick shot of happiness" when my screensaver pops up and I see Seattle, the beautiful Oregon coast, my terrific family, etc - my kind of "Calgon take me away" moment. So, for those individuals that I might be a little short with, I apologize in advance. BUT, we must follow the rules! By doing so, I've freed up 50% of my drive's capacity and apparently saved the county a great deal of money! Congratulations, Kaye! Job well done!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

I treat my email account the same way I treat the rest of my life. I'm not one to keep unnecessary documents, so I'm a big delete person. I have taken this opportunity to go through and delete my delete folder. I have always had special folders for different aspects of my job - these folders allow me to look in just one place for needed information or email.

Spring Cleaning #28: Don’t Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

GTD (Getting Things Done) is an interesting organizational method. After giving some thought to my own personal method, I follow the GTD fairly closely. I have always attempted to take care of the minor issues as quickly as possible. I tend to put aside the larger issue and work on them when time allows. I generally make a list at the end of the day for tasks that definitely need to be taken care of the next day. I looked at the Bla-bla List, but for me these types of list are not practical. Just the good old small pad and pen work great!